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Posted: Wednesday 6 January, 2016 at 3:42 PM

Chairman says Sugar Mas 44 a success but denies issue with Soca artistes

National Carnival Chairman Noah Mills
By: Stanford Conway,

    BASSETERRE, St. Kitts – CHAIRMAN of the National Carnival Committee Noah Mills declared that the just concluded Sugar Mas 44 was a resounding success and is adamant that there was no issue between himself and some artistes who competed in the Soca Monarch Competition.


    Mills made this declaration, among others, yesterday (Jan. 5) during an exclusive interview with SKNVibes.

    “Yes, I do think it was a success but I must commend all of the Committee members, because without them we would not have been able to achieve all that was achieved for Sugar Mas 44,” was Mills’ response when asked if he thought the entire was successful, with regards to the fact that it was his first time as Chairman of the Committee.

    He was also questioned on what were his favourite and worse parts as Chairman.

    “I think my favourite part was seeing the level of accomplishment on the face of my Committee members when everything we promised the public we actually delivered on.” 

    Mills however stated that there was no worse part, per se, but noted that the exciting role he played was controlling and managing interactions “with different stakeholders who chose to express their views and opinions and preferences using a variety of methods”.

    Shortly before the Semi-Finals of both the Groovy and Power Segments of the Soca Monarch Competition, a number of artistes had publicly voiced their disapproval with alleged changes to the rules, which had led to fingers being pointed at the Carnival Chairman. They also expressed having problems with the band selection, lack of communication and Mills’ refusal to listen to their views

    From this backdrop, SKNVibes asked Mills if he was going to put measures in place to ensure that there would not be a repetition of the Soca Monarch issue; a question to which he claimed not knowing of any issue.

    “Well, I am not certain which issue you are talking about. We promised a Soca Competition which comprised of two segments,  Groovy and Power, and which we delivered, and the parties which participated in the year prior also came back and also participated in one form or another in Sugar Mas 44. So that in and of itself forms to tell us that the litmus test was indeed passed, in that the participants performed, the patrons attended and the show was a success.”

    For the purpose of simplicity and avoidance of ambiguity, this publication told Chairman Mills that the question was referring to “those participants who claimed that some of the rules governing the Soca Monarch Competition were bended and twisted”.

    Holding fast to his stance, Mills retorted: “Well, you mean the persons who you have alluded to, and I am not too certain who you are referring to because you didn’t specify names. If you specify names I would be able to clarify.”

    In response, this media house provided him with a list of names, which included Sugar Bowl, Mr. Bagnall, Pinocchio, K-Jah, Ladonna, Seekou, Take Over and Mr. Hype.

    He said: “Well, you be the judge for yourself. Mr. Bagnall and Sugar Bowl defended the crowns, having won the Power Segment and the Groovy Segment the year prior they came back. Pinocchio perform on the stage as a guest artiste, Ladonna performed on the Queen Show, Mr. Hype performed and won the Power crown. So it appears as if the issue that you think existed somehow disappeared or evaporated, because if they had issues and they ended up performing, it might suggest that there was no issue in the first place.”

    Mills, whose statement seemed to infer that this media house had invented the issue, was categorically told that it was not what SKNVibes thinks existed “but what they (the artistes) said existed”.

    Unrelenting to the facts previously outlined, the Chairman ignominiously stated: “But it is you who proposed the question,” adding that, “In fact, if there is an issue, let’s put you and me as Soca artistes. If there is an issue that is bothering us and we claim we will not perform or we have a problem performing until the issue is resolved and then we end up performing, it sounds to me that either the issue was resolved or there was no issue at all in the first place.”

    The banter continued with SKNVibes further stating that it was only clarifying what the artistes said and not the media house.

    In response, Mills retorted: “I am asking you to intellectually masturbate it yourself. Dissect it, massage it and come to a conclusion. The fact is they all ended up performing in one form or another.”

    After the proverbial whirlwind had abated, SKNVibes enquired about the home for the portrait of the late Calypso Reggie.

    “Today, the painting is actually housed at the Secretariat and I think when the necessary persons in authority get together they will find a place that is not only safe and secure, but a place that would help us to showcase contributions that the gentleman made over the many years. No information has been forwarded to us at Carnival Committee as to where the new home will be,” Mills said.

    Mills was also asked what date was set for the Prize-Giving Ceremony for winners of the various Sugar Mas 44 activities, to which he indicated would not be at this time because they still have some final logistics to iron out.

    Those logistics, he said, include the dismantling of the Sugar Mill and the redistribution of instruments, equipment and other things to their homes and the services suppliers, adding that the Committee wants to turn over the site to UDC.

    The Carnival Chairman disclosed that plans are on the front burner for one or two events that would be held on Saturday (Jan. 9).

    “For example, there is an Awesome Navigator Calypso in review that is due for this Saturday at the Flow Grounds. And if you can recall, Navigator has been a staple or was a staple for many years in the calypso arena and he got injured and that sort of curtailed his career somewhat. So we’re contributing to a fundraiser,” Mills explained.

    He also stated that the Carnival Committee is currently putting together a victory jam this Saturday, noting: “We’ve already finalised one band and we are trying to concretise the second band. And we therefore should have that event this Saturday morning, which is going to be equivalent to a J’Ouvert jam in terms of timing, and then we will have the fundraiser in the evening.”
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